Here we are 2/3's of the way through October, where do the days go, I wish knew. Mine are a muddle of mohair, ultra suede, velvet flowers and lace. Nice place to be till you look up and see a kitchen full of dishes and dust bunnies that may just carry you off.
I try not to look away from my teddy bear table to often the site is just to frightening. The mohair has such a soothing affect. Much nicer to look at.
At the moment I'm very much in love with Helmbold's 5/8 sparse signature finish in Sand. It's what I used to make Miss Edwina in. All the colours are fab but Old Ivory is spectacular too.
Better go still have to pack the kits for the work shop. I could only get enough lace and antique flowers for ten, ahhhh but what a beautiful ten they'll be. :0]