Sunday, December 20, 2009
A little Jester

Miss Edwina

Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm back.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
OOH for about a week now.

love too sort flowers, the vintage ones taste really goood.
and I can even pic copic colours.
I really have too keep an eye on the help though.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Miss Edwina Workshop
Monday, October 12, 2009
someone new
I know, I should be working on samples and patterns and workshops and orders-
BUT I just had the urge to try someone new. A bit out of my comfort zone, I never really work with dark backing and i still think he needs a tweak here and there but with Ellie and Sandi giving me loads of inspiration I think he's well on the way.
Now all he needs is a name.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
New Patterns

Miss Holly
This is Holly
I would like to make some more all dressed in their Sunday Best.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I flew all by myself.
I went down to teach 3 x 1 day work shops and had an absolute ball. All the lovely girls there always make me feel so much at home. I have found several long lost sister and I'm sure some of us where even separated at birth.
I know its been a while since we're talked but it has been so hectic here. I have quite a lot of orders that I'm slowly getting through, Then I jetted of to Melbourne, while I was down there I finished The little galls pictured below for "Bear Tails". Their names are "April, May and Baby June".

I think I may be a little bit busy!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
a bearwildered pair

Sunday, July 19, 2009
To blonde to be black
Rosie's ear had been worrying her at bit, it was a little itchy. I just thought that she had a mozzie bite or may be a flee bite but when it swelled up to the size of an extra head over night we were of to the vet. It seemed that she had scratched so hard she broke a blood vessel inside her ear and that had formed a hematoma, :'o(
So that afternoon she had it drained. There was so much extra skin that the Vet had to stitch through her ear and hold it in place with ten buttons.
"now she looks like I've been working on her"
Yesterday was Sunday, she went for her daily run with her sister Lillie and when she returned I noticed alot of blood and then the EXTRA whole in her tummy. You could fit your thumb in it though none of us actually tried that. She was in shock and I had to keep pressure on it whilst Davie made an emergency call to the Vet. Dave had done a first aid course so we patched her up with a bandaid instructed by the Vet and shes having another trip to the Vet today.
I think they will reserve a bed for her from now on.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
part 2, its not really pink
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's not really PINK,
The bear was 20% smaller and as I work my day became brighter.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
and I was worried about flying

Urenda and ME
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
HELP, flying to Melbourne.
little face. Now I'm leaving the comfort of my cave to fly to Melbourne. I have 2, 2day work shops to teach which I'm looking very forward too but the plane is a whole new and nervous thing for me.

So I will be taking a few friends to keep me company. I know they will enjoy the trip.